To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often.
- Winston Churchill
We at Synodica believe that change is good if it’s happening for betterment. With this said, Odoo’s native framework changes once in a while either to introduce new features or to improve performance of existing features.
While Odoo provides backward compatibility with all its new versions, migration from old to new version is still a complex and challenging task. Over the years, Synodica’s team has gained mastery in providing end-to-end solutions for any complex migration needs.
At Synodica we follow 5 steps process to ensure smooth migration experience
Step 1
Migrate all types of modules (3rd Party, OCA)
Step 2
Master Data Migration (e.g. Transaction, User Configuration etc...)
Step 3
Testing at different levels (e.g. UI, Functional, User)
Step 4
Acceptance Testing by Customer
Step 5
Production Rollout
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